Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety – Our Policy statement of intent:

The policy of Montgomery Transport Ltd is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees.

In order to achieve this we will:

  • Provide appropriate equipment, operational processes and supervision at the level whereby all our activities can be undertaken safely.
  • Maintain out premises and equipment to an appropriate standard, including all those facilities provided for the welfare of all our employees.
  • Arrange for the provision of all necessary required information, instruction and training for all our employees, to enable them to work safely.
  • Undertake our assessment duties in compliance with all regulations affecting us, making employees aware of any risks and take appropriate action to reduce or minimise risks as appropriate.
  • Make channels of communication available to all our employees so that any health, safety or welfare matter can be raised and any unsatisfactory matter rectified.
  • Ensure that safe systems of working are in operation (where necessary in writing) and that such safe systems are regularly reviewed and updated where necessary.
  • Make all necessary arrangement to ensure that all visitors, contractors and/or members of the public are not adversely affected by our operations, activities, wastes or emissions.
  • Provide the necessary level of specialist advise to all levels of management in order that they can implement all health, safety and welfare actions, within their areas of direct control.
  • Ensure that our risk prevention programme is correctly planned and implemented in a way which secures involvement and participation at all levels, committing us to the path of progressive improvement.

